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Caderno Virtual de Turismovol. Abstract: The participative methodologies with emphasis in gender are those who try to promote awareness and qualification for the gender relations. Their use can help to plan local tourist projects because through them it's possible to identify gender inequalities, to promote real participation of women and men and, therefore, to combat the reproduction of unequal conditions in the access to the benefits of development tourist activity. In this sense, the aim of this article is to present the results of the participatory process in creating a proposal for self-management of community-based tourism with emphasis in gender built in Morro Santo Antônio Quilombola Community located in Itabira, Minas Gerais, Brazil. It was observed from this case study, that the use of participative methodologies with emphasis on gender ally to the community-based tourism proposal contributed positively to the self-management proposal made by the community, besides being more critical and contextualized to their local reality, did not reaffirm gender inequalities already established in it. Keywords: Community-based tourismParticipative methodologiesGenderCommunity-based tourism. Resumen: Las metodologías participativas con enfoque de género son las que tratan de promover la sensibilización y creación de capacidad para las relaciones de género. Su uso puede cotizar-se al desarrollo de proyectos de turismo locales, ya que a través de ellos es posible identificar las desigualdades de género, la promoción de la participación real de las mujeres y los hombres, y así luchar contra la desigualdad de condiciones en el acceso a los beneficios del desarrollo la actividad turística en un territorio determinado.

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