
O Contrato de Namoro e a União Estável

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The scope of this paper is to evaluate the perpetration of psychological violence in current male and female dating relationships and their link to psychological violence experienced in other contexts of their lives, namely family, relationships with friends and dating partners. The results highlight the fact that the increase in the number of psychologically violent events perpetrated by adolescents in their intimate relationships is related to greater verbal aggression of the mother and father, and the more frequent experiences of psychological violence between parents, siblings, friends and that existing in earlier dating relationships. This reinforces the notion of circularity of psychological violence in various contexts of socialization of adolescents and highlights the continuity of aggressive behavior in other dating relationships, and those between siblings, family and friends. Participation in prevention programs for dating violence: beliefs about relationship violence and intention to participate.

Cuidados e sobrevivência de relacionamento durante a pandemia

Crie uma conta. Mariana Teixeira Simionato. As pessoas nascem, crescem e se desenvolvem no seio familiar. Entretanto, inexistia qualquer laço de afetividade entre seus membros, pois a família estava intimamente ligada na ideia de patrimônio e de propriedade. Em Roma, a família pautava-se pela ideia de unidade política, econômica, militar e religiosa. Era comandada por uma figura masculina, o pater famílias que era ao mesmo tempo, diretor político, sacerdote e juiz [1]. Para os Romanos antigos, famulus significava servo e a família era o equipe de escravos pertencentes e submetidos a um mesmo homem, o pater famílias , do qual detinha o poderio familiar.

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