
Inteligência Emocional Provas: 1234 ENAP/EVG

Relações ocasionais que é 40575

Pesquisador visitante do Max-Planck-Institut für ausländisches und internationales Privatrecht. E-mail : rodrigo. Abstract : This study aims to investigate the meaning and the scope of the conceptual keys of equilibrium and vulnerability in Brazilian contract law. It takes as backdrop the attempt to understand the scope of contemporary contractual theory with respect to the marches and countermarches of contractual dirigisme. In the end, it is expected that the developed reflections may contribute to clarifying not only the potential of the notions of equilibrium and vulnerability in contract dogmatic, but also to the identification of some restrictions that seem to be inherent to their operability. Keywords : Equilibrium; vulnerability; contractual dirigisme; private autonomy; materialization of contract law. Contents : 1. Introduction; — 2.


Creative adjustments for suffering children: a gestalt-therapy view of the main childhood psychopathologies. Sheila Maria da Rocha Antony. Palavras-chave: Gestalt-terapia, Psicopatologia, Criança, Ajustamento criativo. Gestalt therapy is a phenomenological-existential approach with a holistic view of human being and of the world while emphasizing this relationship and stressing two-way influences between the child and his surroundings. Thus, emotional illness emerges from a disturbed relationship. An emotionally disturbed child reflects a family with disturbed affective relationships once there is no trauma or others negatives experiencies caused by externals factors.

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A infidelidade no relacionamento amoroso: possibilidades no trabalho clínico com casais. Endereço para correspondência. É importante considerar a traição como um fenômeno complexo, relacionado a questões intrapsíquicas, relacionais, situacionais e socioculturais. O entendimento da infidelidade requer um olhar sistêmico, que consiga abranger a história do casal e da parentela, suas crenças e seus padrões relacionais. Palavras-chave: Relações conjugais, Aconselhamento conjugal, Traição, Adultério.


O REsp 1. Segundo o ministro, podem surgir três situações relacionadas à presença de animais em condomínios. No julgamento do REsp 1. Com esse harmonia, a Terceira Turma deu provimento ao REsp 1.

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