Ao passo que a sociedade evoluiu, novos arranjos familiares foram tomando forma e o ordenamento jurídico, aos poucos, se adequou a essas transformações. The present work aims to study the legal repercussions between qualified courtship and stable marriage, with the aim of subtly delineating the main element responsible for separating them. The concept of family formation, over many years, permeated social traditionalism, attributing to the family status as a consequence of the formalization of the solemn act of marriage. As society evolved, new family arrangements took shape and the legal order gradually adapted to these transformations. The subject under discussion is an object of doubts since both institutes studied have very similar characteristics, making it difficult, in a case, to differentiate them. Hence the relevance of the subject, since it is necessary that the correct distinction be made, in order not to harm the parties in litigation, given that each leads to a specific legal repercussion, the stable union being much more complex due to its effects assets. Among the elucidations brought are: the new family formations, the emergence of qualified courtship in jurisprudence, the recognition of the stable union as a family entity, the differentiating element in the concrete case and the main legal repercussions on this distinction. Given this, the development of the study is directed to define punctually the mode of qualified courtship and the family entity of the stable union, highlighting its fundamental requirements and its legal repercussions. Logo, com o objetivo de melhor compreender e explicar os efeitos do dinamismo das relações sociais, o método de abordagem é o qualitativo.
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