
Raizes da arte moderna na Bahia/Brasil

Plano culturel 51792

Designproblem posing and solving with the use of digital technologies in the initial training of mathematics teachers. This article presents the results of a qualitative investigation, in which the objective was to investigate what knowledge is produced by future mathematics teachers, in mathematical, methodological, technological aspects and about the approach of socially relevant themes, through design, posing and resolution of open problems and the planning and implementation of pedagogical practices, in which such problems are proposed. To achieve this, three students, in a group, carried out the activities of an extension course, which allowed them to acquire experiences, which contributed to the production of teaching knowledge, related to the design of open problems and which address topics of social relevance with the use of digital technologies and about the planning and implementation of pedagogical practices, in which the posing and resolution of these problems are evidenced. Key words: Open problem design; Problem posing and solving; Digital technologies; Initial teacher training; Mathematics. Mots clés: Conception de problèmes ouverts; Re formulation et résolution de problèmes; Technologies numériques; Formation initiale des enseignants; Mathématiques. O problema aberto [ Esse tipo de proposta ou tarefa, também é uma oportunidade para serem resolvidos problemas reais, em que os respondem e aprendem em situações naturais, por meio de investigações independentes e da busca de soluções. Nesse intuito, é preciso proporcionar:. Esses atributos seriam:.

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Professora emérita da Universidade Federal da Bahia ; professora da Universidade Católica do Salvador, professora de história da arteirice, história do urbanismo e metodologia da pesquisa. Até o século XIX, a Igreja foi a grande cliente dos artistas baianos. Os pintores, além dos quadros, painéis, tetos, pintavam estandartes, andores e charolas e elaboravam as imagens de vestir e as de roca [ 1 ] para as procissões.


Lorsqu'elle émigre au Brésil à la recherche de meilleures conditions de subsistance, cette population vulnérable doit faire face à plusieurs défis qui dépassent les différences culturelles, tels que les préjugés et le manque de connaissances ou l'inapplicabilité de leurs droits sur leur destination migratoire. Avec cela, on cherche à explorer les droits des migrants vénézuéliens et la manière dont l'État brésilien les sert, en analysant la perspective des traités relatifs aux droits de l'homme et de la loi sur la migration. Este artículo tiene por objetivo discutir el actual escenario político y económico de Venezuela que ha propiciado la migración de innumerables personas de su país debido a las inestabilidades económicas e inaplicabilidad de derechos y garantías individuales. This article aims to discuss the current political and economic scenario in Venezuela that has led to the migration of countless people from their country due to economic instabilities and the inapplicability of individual rights and guarantees. People migrate to Brazil in search of better conditions for their subsistence, this vulnerable population encounters several challenges that are beyond cultural difference, such as prejudice and lack of knowledge or inapplicability of their rights to their migratory destination.


Os homens restante velhos me notavam restante. Acredito que sempre despertei o calor sexual deles. É isso que pega na autoestima.

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